Get Service Record by Origin

Re-usable components built using Radix UI and Tailwind CSS.

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a paginated list of all DID Documents. By default, a maximum of ten DID Documents are shown per page.


1curl -G
1{ 2 "services": [{ 3 "id": "localhost", 4 "controller": "did:sonr:idx1swlq72exr74zd7ghsp55965cg6pwsveplq68vh", 5 "type": "LinkedDomains", 6 "origin": "localhost", 7 "name": "Test" 8 }, { 9 "id": "", 10 "controller": "did:sonr:idx1swlq72exr74zd7ghsp55965cg6pwsveplq68vh", 11 "type": "LinkedDomains", 12 "origin": "", 13 "name": "Sonr ID" 14 }], 15 "success": true 16}
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